Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It is time to bring in 2012 and Theory Gift Baskets would love to wish everyone a joyful and Blessed New Year!  We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to relax with family and friends! 
This coming year we hope to see you all and have success working with you to send out amazing gift baskets from our site:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hand- Delivery offers hand-delivery to certain SoCal areas- check website for listings. Order now so your gifts will arrive by Dec. 23, 2011 (with hand-delivery). Great way to send out Christmas and holiday gifts to those you love! 
Also get 5% off until Dec. 15, 2011 by using code: baskets5 at checkout. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Visit our sister blog at: 

Read all about the interesting outfits that people are wearing out there! 

Don't forget our CYBER MONDAY DEAL!!!!

CYBER MONDAY 2 DAY DEAL!!!Good Monday and Tuesday Only Save 10% on Baskets by using discount code: 10percent
Order now and we will ship closer to Christmas
(check our Holiday section for Christmas shipping info.)
Spend $300.00 or more and be automatically entered to win 1 "Little Drummer" basket includes basket and shipping on us to person of your choice. You will be contacted by Dec. 5th if you are the winner!!!


Monday November 28 and Tuesday November 29, 2011 get 10% off all baskets at enter discount code 10percent at checkout. Good on all baskets on the site- on-line deal only. Order all your Christmas presents now and have less stress later- we will ship closer to Christmas and track your package. Please see our Holiday section for all Christmas shipping info. 

Also, spend $300.00 or more on these two sale days and be entered to win 1 "Little Drummer" basket!!!

Prize includes basket and shipping so there is no cost on prize- have the basket shipped to you or any one person within the continental US. We will call you by December 5th, 2011 (or sooner if permitted) to notify you of your winning. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Welcome November

This is the start of the Holiday season- Thanksgiving is right around the corner and in a blink of an eye Christmas! We have wonderful baskets for Christmas and we also let you order now and we will send out closer to Christmas. The new shopping cart makes it easier to shop on-line and you can have all your shopping done before Thanksgiving gets here. 
Check out the site by visiting this link:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Delight

The kids, sister and I went to The Pumpkin Factory in Corona today and man was it hot. They have a good amount of rides for the kids; the issue is adults can't go get them in the bounce house. We had some issues with the little ones getting scared and not wanting to get down so I wasn't to fond of that. There are picture taking spots there so that is nice; I do like to put my head in things! Overall it was okay, better for bigger kids. 
The sun was beating down today and there really is no shade so that makes it hard to enjoy; next time we will go after sunset. 

Halloween baskets are up on-line and ready to ship! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

One of my favorite times of year is here- that is right Halloween!!! The weather is changing, the costumes are out and the yummy candy is being sold! Time to decide what to dress as and where to trick or treat with the kids... You have to take pleasure in all the festive decorations out there and just the sheer fun in the holiday- yummy treats, mazes and pumpkin patches; all are great traditions to have. 

We have some great baskets for the season so check out the site at: 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School

Theory Gift Baskets back to school tips (you can also find these on our newsletter within ):

It is time that the kids head off to school; make sure you have everything ready so they start off right!
Tips for back to school:
1:) Lice is in season make sure you buy the right hair products to prevent the bugs... And check your childs head regularly.
2:) Make sure to pack healthy lunches and snacks to keep your kids energy up!
3:) Attend back to school night and meet the teacher and other parents- form bonds to create a healthy and happy school environment.
4:) Keep kids on a schedule; regular bedtimes, homework time and play time.
5:) Let kids be kids and enjoy their days...
6:) You can find great deals on-line as well as in stores for all back to school items.
7:) Send a great basket to start them off right!
Enjoy back to school!!!

Day at the Cemetery

We try to visit the cemetery a few times a year; some think it is weird, for us it is calming. We have a few family members buried at Green Hill in Palos Verdes, Ca and it is very soothing there. 

This is me and my niece at my grandpa Charlie's grave. Depending on the time of year they let us decorate. It is nice, so many people do for Christmas- it is a site to see. 

This is my sister Teri and her daughter; they are at my uncle Rob's grave who passed in 2006. As you can see from the photo the cemetery does keep it clean. 

This is our uncle Rick's- he died when I was 4. His grave is close to Rob's so we don't have to walk far. We find his by looking for a certain tree! 

The next decorating trip I think will be Halloween- it is one of my favorites and I enjoy my visits. I just wanted to share as this is something that brings me peace. I hope that you find your own peace in whatever makes you happy! We are all different so enjoy and take time out. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The sweet joy of treats!

Coming soon to 
Popcorn Night!!!! This is great for a date night or to send out to a business!  
 Picnic Basket! Full of yummy fresh baked goodies from a local bakery- great for everything! 
Creme de la Creme! Another wonderful fresh baked basket filled with treats! 


Oh wow kids are funny- the simple enjoyment of standing in front of a fan and talking! But hey we all used to do it- remember the good old days! We also played tag today and ran in circles at the park, we ran until the 3 little ones fell down and laid in the grass! Then they start telling me they itch from the grass bugs and we decide it is time to leave and go play in the water at home; after all, the kids are hot, sweaty and truth be told a little smelly. You would think after all this they might want to take a nap but not these 3 they want to keep on trucking! Oh to have the energy of a child again! It is a little after 4pm and we have been going since 7am, I am in need of  nap! 

Here's hoping for a quite night! Ha I know funny right! Enjoy... 

Friday, August 5, 2011


 GOPA owner Alex Connell and artist John-Paul Real at the opening on August 4th, 2011. 
John-Paul Real and I at the opening for the GOPA in downtown Riverside, Ca. 

Gallery was cool and featured different artist with many different styles- was a good night! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fresh Baked Baskets

Our new Creme de la Creme Extreme basket filled with yummy fresh baked goodies! Send one out today! 

Check out all our items at: 

Art Walk in Riverside, Ca

Tonight I will be attending the opening of the Gallery of Progressive Art in Downtown Riverside, Ca; some great local artist will be on display. John-Paul Real, Vincent Landreth and Alex Connell to name a few! The opening starts at 6:30pm and goes on until 9:30pm. The gallery is located in Downtown Riverside, close to the historic Mission Inn Hotel. The have a great art walk going on tonight as well so you have a chance to see wonderful art on display. There are also coffee houses and cupcake shops if you are in need of a treat! If you are in the area and looking for something to do check it out!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh it is Thursday!

Oh the joy of going to the doctors... You go in early to make sure you are signed in on time and then you still end up waiting over an hour. The fun part is waiting to be called and having to listen to all the other waiting patients. Hearing phone conversations about dead-beat dads who need to get their stuff; I mean I don't care about your personal life and really no one else does either. I find it so rude that these people continue to talk on their phones when the front desk employee is trying to get their information; I mean hold on so that the line can move up.
After all this then you get called back and still have to wait another 30 minutes before you're seen. You wait all this time for maybe 10 minutes. It is horrible and so sad. We should have a better health care system. So next time you have to go please be respectful of the others in the area and don't be ghetto....

A great gift by the way for all offices and corporate are gift baskets from:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Not getting enough sleep or constantly changing your bed time will do a number on you and your attitude. Being tired will make you sleepy, affect your driving, change your attitude, make you feel slow and fog your memory; not to mention what it will do to your health. It also just sucks to be tired and not be able to get sleep. I feel for you if you aren't getting the rest needed to refresh your body- I know saying "hey make sure you fix the problem" is easier said then done; but, you should try to find some way to get help in changing your routine. Sleep is very important and everyone needs it no matter who you are. Sometimes it is as simple as turning off all the lights and your phone; for others it is a health issue. I know because years ago I was always so tired and driving was becoming dangerous; it turned out I had restless leg syndrome, it was a bitch. My legs would shake all night and keep me up- it was crazy and so frustrating. I was told what I had after I went to a sleep center and was tested. I had to take medication for a few months and that helped. I eased my way off of it and haven't needed it since. Hopefully you can get help and get some well needed SLEEP. 
Whatever it takes you deserve to have a great sleep. Please help yourself it will benefit you in all aspects of your life! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

DJ Time

Looking for a DJ can be hard because there really are a lot out there and you don't know what will happen until the party starts. I have a great DJ named Laurence and he plays in SoCal. check him out at: 
His prices start at $300.00 and that is for 4 hours- he has all types of music and knows how to mix. He is experienced and has been playing in clubs and house parties for over 15 years. He started with the underground scene and has since grown into all musical fields. 
Oh and he is nice on the eyes and that always helps! 
DJ Laurence Parra's

He has great mixes that you can hear as well at the following links:

More to come!!! 
Find him on Facebook as well...


Planning a princess party for a soon-to-be 3 year old is a lot of fun if you can keep everything together! She didn't pick the theme my sister and I need because it was what was on clearance at the store- hey why not! We found so many cute items a few months ago and now with everything ready we can kick back and enjoy the party. There is a yummy ice cream sandwich cake we will make- it is after all going to be in the triple digits in Palm Springs. 
I am looking forward to pin the tale on the donkey; mostly because toddlers are super funny with that game! Should be a hoot to watch! We will also have a princess pinata for the kiddies- who doesn't like candy that falls from the sky! I mean it is mostly for the grown ups but we will let the kids play! 
If you really stick to your budget and look for deals your party is way less stressful- a toddler really doesn't know what things cost so why spend a ton... 
One week to go and she will be 3! Crazy how fast they grow up! 
Share your party ideas with me! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Opinion

Now this is only my opinion but the most of the moms on Teen Mom are so rude and disrespectful it blows my mind. I don't understand how they can have mouths like sailors and still have a show, the disrespect they show their own parents and boyfriends is out of control. Who beats their boyfriend and then throws a fit and a woe is me party because cps wants to talk to them. I know it is my fault because I watch this show but really it is like a train wreck that you can't look away from.
I really hope that they grow up and start acting like moms....

Happy No Pant Friday

Hey out there,

Happy No Pant Friday!!! This is just our way of saying relax, enjoy and lighten up! The weekend is here for most so take it in and refresh yourself! Here is the link for the facebook page...!/groups/257859730457?ap=1

Enjoy and visit:
 Send out a gift basket today!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miracles on the Street

If you are looking to hear a miracle or share yours check out these sites!

Follow Us

Hey out there-
We need followers on this blog- I am new to this and I am not sure what to write or what people want to talk about so please help a girl out! 
At this moment as I am working I am also watching a cake show on TLC and now I want sweets... I can't believe how much these cakes cost- it is crazy. Although, watching this show grosses me out a little because the fondle everything so much, you know... I would rather not see what they actually do to the treats and cakes- I would rather live in denial! They are awesome looking though.
So now I have to work more so hopefully I will get more followers and we can talk!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I am so excited that Blink 182 are finally coming out with a new CD; I mean it has been like 8 years and I can't wait! The new song is great and just the way I love blink! They are touring with another one of my favorite bands- My Chemical Romance; hopefully I will be able to go to one of the shows! 
Well with that said it is Tuesday and it is suppose to be in the 100's today so better get the sun block on and the shades pulled down! 
I am also in the market to find new sweets for my gift baskets- I want good, fresh hand-made items close to Riverside- if you know of anyone please send their info my way! 
I am off to work so I hope everyone has a great day!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Yeah it is Friday!!!

So it is the weekend again for most people Saturday and Sunday are days to relax and enjoy!!! What to do is now the question? I have a full weekend- not much free time mostly driving people to work and taking care of the kids- maybe if I am lucky we will get to go in the pool because Riverside is about 98 degrees. Hopefully everyone will get a little relaxation in the coming days! 

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone. Always remember to wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy June

Well I think that summer has arrived in SoCal- my car said 99 degrees and I believe it. I love the summer though; flip-flops and tank tops, who needs shoes! Make sure you drink a lot of water... 
Fourth of July is next week so look for a place to view fireworks; they are illegal in so many towns so find a spot early so you don't miss out! 
Send out a yummy basket filled with treats to a soldier who is coming home or a custom labeled treat; a special way to say thank you for your service! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Good Thursday to you all! Tis the wedding season and for a great gift think GIFT BASKETS!!! We have wonderful baskets filled with yummy treats and home good items. We also do personalized bottle labels- put the couples name on it or a special saying. Think how great your gift basket will look on the gift table- it will stand out!!! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Theory Gift Baskets loves the new cookies and fresh baked baskets we offer; they are full of yummy treats! We get our fresh baked items from CobbleStone Bakery and Deli in Riverside, Ca; they are super close to us so all the baskets will have the freshest of items! Check them out in our fresh baked section on

Please tell a friend and help us get our site out there- we appreciate all customers if you buy 1 or 100 each sale is a blessing!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Fresh Baked Goodies

Theory Gift Baskets now offers wonderful fresh baked baskets with goodies from Cobblestone Bakery and Deli in Riverside, Ca. We will ship only in California because we care and want you to get the freshest baked goods! Order today!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Art Project May 7th, 2011

Hey check out the video for the fundraiser we had May 7th, 2011 to raise money and awareness for The Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Art Project

4 1/2 days till "The Art Project" please check it out! Help raise funds for The Riverside Rape Crisis Center and help support local artist- all in the same night!
Check it out:

Prizes donated from:, CobbleStone Bakery and Deli, Maximum Image Salon and Day Spa and Chipotle Mexican Grill.... 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


After delivering a basket I was on the 210 east going towards Baseline when I got stuck in traffic for an hour. When I finally made it up far enough there was an overturned van just so smashed up- you just knew who-ever was in there didn't make it. Then I saw an arm laying there by what used to be the window and I was just heart-broken. So very sad to see this- makes my waiting in traffic mean nothing because I made it home. My heart goes out to the family of who-ever was in that vehicle. 
Please everyone slow down- the place you are going will still be there if you drive the speed limit!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I just want to wish you all a Blessed Good Friday and a wonderfully Blessed Easter Sunday! Hope that you all celebrate and be safe- enjoy the long weekend! 

Also, check out these links for "The Art Project" by Theory Gift Baskets and all the local artist who are helping out! 
Great prizes including: gift cards for Cobblestone Bakery, Maximum Image Salon and Day Spa, Cool Cuts for Kids, Theory Gift Baskets, Chipotle meal for 2 cards and movie tickets... More to come!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So Sad

I recently learned that someone I worked with a few years ago was brutally taken from this earth- my heart was broken to hear what happened to her- she was a great girl. I truly pray for her children that they are watched out for and taken care of. From what I learned Brandi was shot and then set on fire in front of her children- this is a truly sad and heartbreaking story. I hope that the evil monster gets what it deserves- I don't know how someone can do that- he is not a person... Rest in Peace Brandi- God bless her kids and family.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Art Project!

Come check out and help Theory Gift Baskets raise money for The Riverside Rape Crisis Center on May 7th, 2011 at The Mira Loma Christian Church from 6-9pm. 

It will be an exciting night as we showcase the work of many local artist who are so generously donating their piece's. 

All money raised will be donated to help fund the cause! Donations will also be excepted that night! Please come out and support us in this event! 

For more info please contact 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"The Art Project"

THEORY GIFT BASKETS is proud to Present "The Art Project"
Saturday May 7th, 2011 from 6-9pm (pst) at The Mira Loma Christian Church
9282 Mission Blvd., Riverside, CA 92509
Selling art to raise money for The Riverside Rape Crisis Center! Come buy art (cash and carry) to support a wonderful cause. Every dollar raised that night will be donated to help fund the center! These are great original piece's- many made just for the event!
Local Artist include:
Kalee Swinney
John Paul Real
Shehara Gunasekera
Joshua Young
Chris Fontana
Vincent Landreth
Nancy Avila
(More artist to come!!!)

DJ Laurence Parra will be spinning House music for the event!

Purchase $1.00 raffle tickets to win some great prizes: included are gift baskets, movie tickets, hair cut and more to come. All ticket money will also be donated to The Riverside Rape Crisis Center!!!

If you need more info please call (951) 681-5321 or e-mail

Great event for a great local cause- come support your area and the great work being done here!!!

Crazy Drivers

You know you really have to pay attention when on the roads- the drivers out there are crazy. People don't bother to follow the laws or they feel they are above them. I really get annoyed with the drivers who attach themself to your trunk but won't go around you- so annoying. And today a truck decided he didn't need to stop at the red light and just ran it- he wasn't even close to the lines where it would be reasonable to see he couldn't stop- no he was just an a#@... Where are the police when people do that.
So that is my rant today- people really watch the way you drive. Cars, truck and so forth are heavy pieces of metal that can kill if used the wrong way. DRIVE SAFE!
And as always DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE or drive under the influence of any drug.

Take Care!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Slippery Roads

Hey everyone,

With the wet and windy weather this weekend remember to watch the roads- they become very slippery! 
The sun is out however today- maybe it will warm up and we will have a great day! 
With all these weather changes my allergies have been all over the place which isn't fun. I don't know how many of you have them but when they hit man they hit hard! 
Well enjoy your day- 
Theory Gift Baskets

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day would like to wish you all a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! Wear your green and you won't get pinched!!! 
Enjoy and as always DON'T DRINK and DRIVE

Friday, March 11, 2011


Theory Gift Baskets would like to send our thoughts and prayers to all affected by the quake in Japan. We feel terrible for all that was lost and we wish them all well. 
Such a sad event- so many lost.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I found a yummy treat from this little bakery in Upland Ca which I believe was called Cupcake Delight... It was filled with delish caramel and topped with caramel frosting- so good!!! I have wanted one everyday since- but I know we can't do that.
Well maybe once a week!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Raining

Man it is chilly outside today; the rain is coming down and I can see the snowy mountains from here! All we need is to light the fireplace and get warm! Oh and a nice cup of hot chocolate and some treats would be great! Great day if you like to bake- I am not a baker or cook so to say but I do like the end results! 
Wishing everyone a great Saturday- relax, enjoy and as always be safe out there! 

Great book to read on a chilly day: "Fresh Bread From Heavens Bakery" by Terry Young- available at:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So what is up people? How is everything going? So today I go to the doctors- been having a lot of headaches so I guess we will see. 
Easter is coming soon as well as Mothers Day so make sure you check
to find great gifts! 
There are also parties going on so if you need a great DJ in SoCal check out:

Find us at Twitter: @theorygiftbask

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hey everyone- hope that Friday is great! We have a fun group on facebook called THE HAPPY NO PANT FRIDAY GROUP! Feel free to join. It is just a fun and silly way to celebrate Friday and relax a little. For some it means wearing shorts and flip flops for others it means getting out of your stuffy suit and for those who want to show it all it really means NO PANTS!!! The group knows how hard and stressful life can be so they want to give you a few moments to be silly and forget the rest.

Enjoy everyone and remember to visit:

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Here

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope everyone has a great day; those who celebrate it and those who don't... Take care and be safe!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday to you out there,

I want to wish you all a happy and safe weekend! Remember Valentine's Day is Monday so show your love!
You can also now find us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook! Join in and talk to us, I would love to hear from you!
Have a great and Blessed day!
We also offer diaper cakes- babies are born everyday so help out a mother and get a hand-made diaper cake! Always a hit!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Wanting to wish everyone a happy and safe Thursday! It is mighty windy over here is sunny SoCal so watch for signals being down and objects blowing around. The news says it is going to warm up so I am happy- I love the hotter weather...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day is Coming!!!


Hope that you are all doing great and are ready for Valentine's Day coming soon- on Monday for those a little behind... We have a great selection of baskets and prices for you V-Day gifts- check us out at:
Valentine's Day to some means a lot so make sure it is special for your loved one! Plan something different and fun; something they will remember! Send a basket to start their day off right- everyone loves a great gift and one with chocolate is even better! 

Well guys- it is off to more work here on our side- have a great night and tell a friend about our site! 

Friday, February 4, 2011



It is Friday and the weather is great; it is suppose to be in the high 70's low 80's this weekend! Love California! 
Valentine's Day is just around the corner so make sure you get your orders in! We offer great Valentines Day baskets at great prices that would suit any age! We can also spice up all existing baskets to look Lovely-dovey for V-Day!!! Check us out at 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

News from Theory Gift Baskets: Web-Site

News from Theory Gift Baskets: Web-Site


Check us out at

Here to introduce ourselves

Hello everyone! 
We are Theory Gift Baskets and we are new to the scene... We are a gift baskets company located in Riverside, Ca and have been up and running since 2007!!! We offer any occasion baskets, everyday baskets, themed baskets, spa and more...We wanted to start a blog and really get out there in the web-world! I (the owner-Julie) just wants to share things that are going on in Our "Theory" world and hear what you have to say (write) about it! Hope that we can get some followers and really grow with you! Thanks for your interest!