Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh it is Thursday!

Oh the joy of going to the doctors... You go in early to make sure you are signed in on time and then you still end up waiting over an hour. The fun part is waiting to be called and having to listen to all the other waiting patients. Hearing phone conversations about dead-beat dads who need to get their stuff; I mean I don't care about your personal life and really no one else does either. I find it so rude that these people continue to talk on their phones when the front desk employee is trying to get their information; I mean hold on so that the line can move up.
After all this then you get called back and still have to wait another 30 minutes before you're seen. You wait all this time for maybe 10 minutes. It is horrible and so sad. We should have a better health care system. So next time you have to go please be respectful of the others in the area and don't be ghetto....

A great gift by the way for all offices and corporate are gift baskets from:

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