Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh it is Thursday!

Oh the joy of going to the doctors... You go in early to make sure you are signed in on time and then you still end up waiting over an hour. The fun part is waiting to be called and having to listen to all the other waiting patients. Hearing phone conversations about dead-beat dads who need to get their stuff; I mean I don't care about your personal life and really no one else does either. I find it so rude that these people continue to talk on their phones when the front desk employee is trying to get their information; I mean hold on so that the line can move up.
After all this then you get called back and still have to wait another 30 minutes before you're seen. You wait all this time for maybe 10 minutes. It is horrible and so sad. We should have a better health care system. So next time you have to go please be respectful of the others in the area and don't be ghetto....

A great gift by the way for all offices and corporate are gift baskets from:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Not getting enough sleep or constantly changing your bed time will do a number on you and your attitude. Being tired will make you sleepy, affect your driving, change your attitude, make you feel slow and fog your memory; not to mention what it will do to your health. It also just sucks to be tired and not be able to get sleep. I feel for you if you aren't getting the rest needed to refresh your body- I know saying "hey make sure you fix the problem" is easier said then done; but, you should try to find some way to get help in changing your routine. Sleep is very important and everyone needs it no matter who you are. Sometimes it is as simple as turning off all the lights and your phone; for others it is a health issue. I know because years ago I was always so tired and driving was becoming dangerous; it turned out I had restless leg syndrome, it was a bitch. My legs would shake all night and keep me up- it was crazy and so frustrating. I was told what I had after I went to a sleep center and was tested. I had to take medication for a few months and that helped. I eased my way off of it and haven't needed it since. Hopefully you can get help and get some well needed SLEEP. 
Whatever it takes you deserve to have a great sleep. Please help yourself it will benefit you in all aspects of your life! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

DJ Time

Looking for a DJ can be hard because there really are a lot out there and you don't know what will happen until the party starts. I have a great DJ named Laurence and he plays in SoCal. check him out at: 
His prices start at $300.00 and that is for 4 hours- he has all types of music and knows how to mix. He is experienced and has been playing in clubs and house parties for over 15 years. He started with the underground scene and has since grown into all musical fields. 
Oh and he is nice on the eyes and that always helps! 
DJ Laurence Parra's

He has great mixes that you can hear as well at the following links:

More to come!!! 
Find him on Facebook as well...


Planning a princess party for a soon-to-be 3 year old is a lot of fun if you can keep everything together! She didn't pick the theme my sister and I need because it was what was on clearance at the store- hey why not! We found so many cute items a few months ago and now with everything ready we can kick back and enjoy the party. There is a yummy ice cream sandwich cake we will make- it is after all going to be in the triple digits in Palm Springs. 
I am looking forward to pin the tale on the donkey; mostly because toddlers are super funny with that game! Should be a hoot to watch! We will also have a princess pinata for the kiddies- who doesn't like candy that falls from the sky! I mean it is mostly for the grown ups but we will let the kids play! 
If you really stick to your budget and look for deals your party is way less stressful- a toddler really doesn't know what things cost so why spend a ton... 
One week to go and she will be 3! Crazy how fast they grow up! 
Share your party ideas with me! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Opinion

Now this is only my opinion but the most of the moms on Teen Mom are so rude and disrespectful it blows my mind. I don't understand how they can have mouths like sailors and still have a show, the disrespect they show their own parents and boyfriends is out of control. Who beats their boyfriend and then throws a fit and a woe is me party because cps wants to talk to them. I know it is my fault because I watch this show but really it is like a train wreck that you can't look away from.
I really hope that they grow up and start acting like moms....

Happy No Pant Friday

Hey out there,

Happy No Pant Friday!!! This is just our way of saying relax, enjoy and lighten up! The weekend is here for most so take it in and refresh yourself! Here is the link for the facebook page...!/groups/257859730457?ap=1

Enjoy and visit:
 Send out a gift basket today!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miracles on the Street

If you are looking to hear a miracle or share yours check out these sites!

Follow Us

Hey out there-
We need followers on this blog- I am new to this and I am not sure what to write or what people want to talk about so please help a girl out! 
At this moment as I am working I am also watching a cake show on TLC and now I want sweets... I can't believe how much these cakes cost- it is crazy. Although, watching this show grosses me out a little because the fondle everything so much, you know... I would rather not see what they actually do to the treats and cakes- I would rather live in denial! They are awesome looking though.
So now I have to work more so hopefully I will get more followers and we can talk!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So I am so excited that Blink 182 are finally coming out with a new CD; I mean it has been like 8 years and I can't wait! The new song is great and just the way I love blink! They are touring with another one of my favorite bands- My Chemical Romance; hopefully I will be able to go to one of the shows! 
Well with that said it is Tuesday and it is suppose to be in the 100's today so better get the sun block on and the shades pulled down! 
I am also in the market to find new sweets for my gift baskets- I want good, fresh hand-made items close to Riverside- if you know of anyone please send their info my way! 
I am off to work so I hope everyone has a great day!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Yeah it is Friday!!!

So it is the weekend again for most people Saturday and Sunday are days to relax and enjoy!!! What to do is now the question? I have a full weekend- not much free time mostly driving people to work and taking care of the kids- maybe if I am lucky we will get to go in the pool because Riverside is about 98 degrees. Hopefully everyone will get a little relaxation in the coming days! 

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone. Always remember to wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water!